Victoria of Bumble Beans Inc. asked me to participate in her Colourful Interviews series. How well do you know me .. what’s my favourite colour now and what’s my happy colour?
Today is my day to share a block with you for Kim’s Home Sweet Home Quilt-Along. My block is called A Home for the Birds and finishes at 12″ square. It is created with fusible web and a machine blanket stitch.
I entered my Love-ly Garden appliqué project in a contest. Please vote for me. Plus, I’m sharing a few photos of my cleaned-up sewing room.
It’s my special day for Pat Sloan’s Girls in the Garden Blog Hop. Pat asked five designers to share their fabric choices for making one of her Girls in the Garden patterns. Check out which pattern I chose to make and the fabrics I used. Plus, I’m giving away a pattern too.
Leah Day of the Free Motion Quilting Project has published a couple of posts this week, that really struck a chord with me and I want to share them, along with my own thoughts, with you too.
Happy Valentine’s Day. I’ve made a Love-ly Garden wall hanging (or table runner) free tutorial just for you! It finishes at 22″ x 38″.
Here is my star block that I made for the Fat Quarter Stars Quilt-Along. My block is called Milo’s Star. Download the free tutorial and make one yourself. I added a couple of borders and turned my block into a mini quilt.
Can you help? – Make some 4 Patches 4 Hope this weekend and send them to Regina. Make light-dark 4 patch block(s) using 2 1/2″ squares. The goal is 4,000 blocks that are then being assembled into “comfort quilts” and donated.
Last year, oh that sounds so LONG ago, I finally got something finished in my sewing room. I made two Smitten with Mittens Table Runners. See them here…
This month, Shruti is doing an ABC’s of Quilting series on her blog. My post is a Blogland Tour of 10 of my favourite modern bloggers. See who I picked…