Calling All Quilt Guilds!!

Woohoo!! The new Quilt Guilds section is now ready for Guilds to start entering their information.

The Guilds will be organized geographically by country and sub-divided into province and state for Canada and the USA.

Each Guild will be able to add links to their web site, blog, Facebook, Twitter and email, as well as include their address, contact person, telephone number, a 1000-character description about their Guild and upload photos.

Click here to Add your Guild!

Please: Only one member of the Guild’s Executive should submit their Guild for inclusion in the directory. If you’re not on the Executive, please send an email to them asking them to enter your Guild.

The ability to search for Guilds will be available later this month. Right now, it’s just a call for Guilds to start entering their information.

Enter to Win Six Hand Dyed Fat Quarters

Please help spread the word about the new Quilt Guilds Directory by placing one of the graphics on your blog or even writing a blog post about it.

White background, width: 180px, height: 86px

<a href="" title="Quilt Guilds Directory"><img width="180" height="86" border="0" src="" alt="Quilt Guilds Directory" /></a>

Quilt Guilds Directory

White background, width: 150px, height: 72px

<a href="" title="Quilt Guilds Directory"><img width="150" height="72" border="0" src="" alt="Quilt Guilds Directory" /></a>

Quilt Guilds Directory

When you’re done, come back here and leave me a note and a link to your post. One lucky person will win six fat quarters of hand dyed fabrics. Drawing will be done November 2nd, 2010.

12 responses to “Calling All Quilt Guilds!!”

  1. DianeH Avatar

    I’ve added the button to my sidebar with the title “Add Your Guild Now!.

  2. Sharon Scott Avatar
    Sharon Scott

    Posted on my personal page

    and my studio page!

    Will notify my quilt guild High Desert Quilters.
    Thank you for the give~away! I hope I win!

  3. Connie Sayler Avatar

    I have added the quilt guild info to my blog. Our guild does not have their own web site yet. Thanks for the opportunity to share our information.

  4. Colleen Avatar

    I’ve added the button to my sidebar

  5. Charo Avatar

    I’ve added the buttun of Quilt quild info to my sidebar.

  6. Teresa Felgueiras Avatar

    I’ve just added the button to my side bar.

  7. Gerbrich Avatar

    I’ve added the button to my sidebar!!!

  8. Urszula Avatar

    I’ve added the button to my sidebar. Great idea 🙂

  9. Linda Oberholzer Avatar

    The button is now on my blog. I think this is a great idea. You never know when new people are in the area looking for a guild to join!

  10. Kathy Retherford Avatar

    We’ve added your button to our guild’s site!

  11. Lindsay @ Me, Quilting Avatar
    Lindsay @ Me, Quilting

    What a great idea! I hope more guilds join in!

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