Glorious Autumn Block Party and Super Deals for Quilters

Hi everyone! Welcome to Day 35 of our Glorious Autumn Block Party.

I am today’s featured designer and in a perfect world, I’d actually have my block done. *sigh* .. But it isn’t a perfect world and I’m not going to stress over it and no excuses! I’ll update this post as soon as I can with my block tutorial once I get it sewn. Here’s a sneak peek of my block Maple Leaves:


Updated: see below for my completed block and the link to my tutorial.

However!!! I wanted to make sure you heard about this week’s fabulous Super Deal and Pre-Black Friday savings from Eleanor Burns’ Quilt in a Day. They start now, for you, so you’ll want to get over there before the rush!

Super Deals from Quilt in a Day


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Quilt in a Day has everything you need to make a quilt – books, patterns, free block patterns, notions, fabric, rulers and videos. Quilt in a Day was founded in 1975 by “Hall of Fame” quilter, Eleanor Burns. Through out her career, Eleanor has published over 100 “How-to” quilt books, developed an Eleanor Burns Signature Pattern Collection and designed a variety of specialty rulers all produced to aid the quilter in successfully and easily completing their quilt. Her Quilt in a Day TV series began airing on PBS and is still broadcasting nationwide and abroad.

Today’s Super Deal:

Quilt in a Day Fat Quarter Bundles are on sale for only $20. (Regular $39.95)! These are a variety of 12 batik fat quarters that are from a leading fabric manufacturer. Shop early for best selection. No special code is required.


Quilt in a Day’s Annual Black Friday Event is running from Nov. 21 – Nov. 26. Quilt in a Day started their Black Friday sale early to give you a few more days to save! Find great deals and special savings on Fabric, Patterns, Quilt Books, Notions and more!


I see a couple of my favourite and highly recommended products are on sale including the June Tailor Shape Cut rulers and Invisigrip.

Get your Super Deal Savings here!

Block Party #35 – Maple Leaves

Updated: For the tutorial see this post, Tutorial: Maple Leaves Quilt Block


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