Hi everyone, welcome to Block 19 of our Glorious Autumn Block Party. Today Cindy Staub is our featured designer.
Visit the Block Party Headquarters for more info and upload your completed blocks to the Flickr group.
Featured Designer: Cindy Staub
How/when/why did you transition from a quilter to a designer?
I started sewing at a young age and sewed many clothes for myself with my mother’s help. I was so excited when I was given a sewing machine for my 16th birthday. I still have my first machine even though I no longer use it. My first quilt was a quilt that I made for my grandparents for Christmas. I had it laid out on my parents ping pong table as I sewed along on it. I had to hide it whenever my grandparents came to visit. I was in college at the time. You can read about my grandparent’s quilt here.
I hand quilted flowers and butterflies on this quilt because of my grandparents love for gardening. My stitches were big and crooked, but I was so proud of this quilt. As I look at the ruffled edge, I’m not sure how I did it. I didn’t know how to bind a quilt at the time and this is how I finished it off, a difficult ruffle and purchased seam binding. This quilt now graces my Christmas tree as the skirt. It’s a treasure.
How/when/why did you transition from a quilter to a designer?
I have always enjoyed sewing and quilting. Quilt Doodle Designs started as a few sketches in a notebook one afternoon while getting ready for a quilt retreat. With the encouragement of family and friends these ideas have blossomed into a line of quilt patterns. I have been designing ever since.
Which quilt is your favourite? Did you design it? Why is it your favourite?
Right now my favourite quilt is my newest quilt ‘Laundry Day’. I love the way it turned out. I developed the block a couple of years ago but hated the layout of my first attempt and wasn’t fond of how it turned out. So I tried again and switched up the layout and changed the fabrics. Love it!
How many UFOs do you currently have? Oh my, I’m not even sure if I can count that high! I have a bin full of UFO’s…. a ton a quilt tops that need to be quilted, I will get to them someday.
What size of quilt do you prefer to make/design? I have never really thought about what size quilt project I prefer. I enjoy making smaller items because of the instant gratification of getting something done. But I also enjoy making larger items too!
What colour do you use most often in your quilts? For a very long time I used only reds, greens, blues and golds. I have since conquered my fear of purples and have been using a wider variety of colors. But my ‘safe’ colors are still, red, green, blue and gold.
Favourite one-sentence tip for a new quilter: Measure twice, cut once.
Favourite size and brand of rotary cutter: 45mm Olfa Rotary Cutter… but, if the blade is sharp, I’ve been known to use any rotary cutter that’s available while on quilt retreat!
Favourite quote or mantra: “If you can’t see it from a galloping horse, it’s fine.”
Block Party #19 – Oak Wreath
Here’s Cindy’s block, Oak Wreath. It’s an easy block to put together and you can whip up a table runner in no time in your own fabrics. Head over to Cindy’s blog to download the tutorial.
Designer Give-Away
The Fat Quarter Shop has donated an awesome prize for Cindy to give-away on her blog, a fat Quarter bundle of Heather Bostic’s Bloggers Choice. Visit Cindy’s blog to enter the give-away. Lucky winner announced October 23rd.
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