I am so excited to share with you the first free block tutorial in my new series Block Library.

Block Library is my own personal challenge for me to piece at least one block a week, in two sizes. Blocks are inspired from the past as identified in Jinny Beyer’s The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns.

#1 Summer Nights

The first block is Summer Nights. I adore this block, even if it does have 32 pieces in it. My scrappy version is the one I made at 6″ square. Working at a small scale with so many pieces is a challenge.

Here are my two versions.

summer-nights Quilt Block

summer-nights Quilt Block

Below are some layout options. I really like the on-point layout (second option). Which one is your favourite?




Share your completed blocks in our Aiming for Accuracy Facebook Group. Don’t miss a free tutorial, subscribe to my weekly newsletter.

13 responses to “Block Library – #1 Summer Nights”

  1. Bev Gunn Avatar
    Bev Gunn

    Like the scrappy one best-but no way I am making that baby in a 6″ version! Plus, I use up more fabric if I make the 12″ block….Trying to reduce some of the scraps around here so I can play with my yardage! 🙂

  2. Alex Gee Avatar
    Alex Gee

    I’m with you! 6 inch blocks in a scrappy! 🙂 thnx for the tut, love your work !!

  3. Debbie Doerrlamm Avatar

    I adore the 2nd option on point also

  4. Mary Avatar

    I like the first version! Love your batik block colors.

  5. carla bynum Avatar

    HI!!!!! More fun!!!! Thanks Michele!!!!! Beautiful blocks!!!!!

  6. Susana Avatar

    How can I down load #1 Summer nights pattern?

  7. MarleneC Avatar

    Really like this block–thank you so much.

  8. Carolyn Avatar

    Hi Michele, I simply love this pattern too. Thank you so much. It will be a fun block for scraps!

  9. Quilting Tangent Avatar
    Quilting Tangent

    Great to see different versions of the same block. Looking forward to the next lessons.

  10. Carol Hyatt Avatar
    Carol Hyatt

    Thank you Michele for this fun block, good way to use some of my stash.

  11. Susan Avatar

    I like the non-scrappy version best and I like it on point the best too. I am always amazed at the completely different look of a block when you change up the fabrics used and also when you lay them out differently.

  12. kim fryer Avatar
    kim fryer

    Love the blocks looking forward to using it and to the next!

  13. Rhonda L. Morrison Avatar
    Rhonda L. Morrison

    Love your blocks, thank you. I received #1 Summer-Nights and #3 Prairie-Queen, i didn’t get #2. Was curious about that. Thank you

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