Author: Mishka

  • Hi, My name is Kay Sorensen. I was honored to be invited to be a guest blogger. I began blogging in September to share my quilts with more people. I don’t particularly like to write so didn’t think I’d enjoy it. I also thought you had to blog right away in the morning as that…

  • My name is Tsoniki Crazy Bull and I have a crafty blog at me being crafty. I’ve been sewing and quilting since I was a young girl – sewing when I was very young and quilting when I got older. My Grandma and Mom taught me to sew and though quilting was hard for me…

  • Thank you for this opportunity to tell you a little about myself and my endeavors. I grew up in North Carolina, went to school in Colorado, then lived in Los Angeles for a number of years. During all that time I had not one stitch of quilting heritage. I started in a beginning quilting class…

  • As a new quilter, I have been plugging away with trial and error methods and have spent countless hours with Google by my side as I try to understand the ins and outs of quilting. Whether it be terminology, methods, patterns or even basic how-to’s, I’ve been stumped time and time again. But it turns…

  • Hi everyone! I’m Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill Designs and I’m delighted to be a guest blogger for Michele! Thanks to her, we have a site where quilters can all connect. For those of you who don’t know me, my passion is appliqué and embroidery. I’m a quilt and fabric designer. I love hand work…

  • Hello Everyone. My name is Robyn and I currently live on the outskirts of Sydney Australia with my husband and son, our 2 dogs and 1 kitty cat. I’ve been sewing since I was young (I’d say about 10 years or younger – don’t know exactly). I loved going through my Mum’s big suitcase full…

  • I hadn’t given quilts much thought until I was a young adult and my mother gave me a quilt wrapped tightly in plastic. It was a variation of a nine patch quilt. She told me my great grandmother Hanna Balster had made it for me. Hanna had made one for each of her future great…

  • What a lovely opportunity to get to know more of the online quilting community! Thank you so much for the invitation, Michele. Hmm, well, where to start? My name is Jennifer Rogers Ofenstein. I’m a native Texan and have been crafting my whole life. I have a B.A. in English with an Art minor from…

  • My name is Carin Vogelzang and I am so excited and thankful to Michele for the opportunity to blog today and share a small glimpse into my quilting world. I have the privilege of being the founder and co-director of Margaret’s Hope Chest (MHC), a quilting non-profit organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Since April…

  • Hi Michele, Thanks so much for inviting me to be a guest blogger. I started quilting in the traditional way over 25 years ago – all by hand. I think it all starts when you become a mom – at least that’s how it was for me. I had this little baby (Heather) and I…