And the winner is …


Congratulations to #120 Avery Claire for winning Patsy Thompson’s Free Motion Fun…with Feathers! DVD. I’ll be sending you an email to get your mailing address.

Here’s Avery’s tip:

I absolutely adore feathers….they look so elegant on a quilt. My favorite quilting tip is to do a LOT of practice quilting by making baby quilts. They don’t take much time and you always have a gift on hand and what better way to get really good at your quilting!

Thanks to everyone that entered such fabulous tips.

Thanks to Patsy for the great donation!


One response to “And the winner is …”

  1. averyclaire Avatar

    I am thrilled to be the winner. Can’t wait to watch the DVD’s and learn as much as I can. I am a bit intimidated by feathers, although I have tried them several times. Thank you so much for this lovely gift.

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