If you follow me on Facebook, earlier this week I shared the proposed design for our upcoming Quilt-Along, Aiming for Accuracy. I am really pleased with the wonderful comments. I thought I’d share the various design drafts, so you could see how it progressed.
I used Electric Quilt 7 in a custom quilt setting to create the designs. I struggle with this program, as I don’t find it very intuitive. However, that said, their documentation is fantastic and once I get out the book, read up on what I’m trying to do, it’s smooth sailing.
The first draft … oh my did I struggle to get this done (read the book!!).
Needed some polishing, so on to design #2. I loved this one, but realized it would result in way too many partial seams. I want this quilt-along to be for advanced beginners, and even I wouldn’t want to do so many partial seams. LOL
Ok, this version eliminated all partial seams. Someone asked on Facebook what the finished quilt size would be, and I realized that somewhere along the way, I had changed the layout size in EQ7 to a size that wasn’t quite as big as I wanted the finished size to be. Plus, I wasn’t thrilled with the black distribution as I wanted it more uniform.
Back to the drawing board .. so to speak
And finally, the completed design. Finished quilt size is 58″x82″, a very nice lap size.
I went to the printers yesterday and had them print me out one copy in colour and several in black and white. Now I need to cut it up and plan the various lessons.
I know you’re going to ask … when will the quilt-along start? Best I can tell you right now is SOON. I want to get the lessons planned out first, figure out the math, and make sure everything will fit together as designed. I’m hoping to have the planning done within the next week, then I can let you know the fabric requirements and we’ll get started a couple of weeks later.
The quilt-along will be free for all to participate in. However, the lessons/tutorials will only remain on the site for a month after the QAL finishes, then they’ll be turned into a booklet for sale.
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What do you think? Are you going to participate in the quilt-along?
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