If you follow me on Facebook, earlier this week I shared the proposed design for our upcoming Quilt-Along, Aiming for Accuracy. I am really pleased with the wonderful comments. I thought I’d share the various design drafts, so you could see how it progressed.

I used Electric Quilt 7 in a custom quilt setting to create the designs. I struggle with this program, as I don’t find it very intuitive. However, that said, their documentation is fantastic and once I get out the book, read up on what I’m trying to do, it’s smooth sailing.

The first draft … oh my did I struggle to get this done (read the book!!).


Needed some polishing, so on to design #2. I loved this one, but realized it would result in way too many partial seams. I want this quilt-along to be for advanced beginners, and even I wouldn’t want to do so many partial seams. LOL


Ok, this version eliminated all partial seams. Someone asked on Facebook what the finished quilt size would be, and I realized that somewhere along the way, I had changed the layout size in EQ7 to a size that wasn’t quite as big as I wanted the finished size to be. Plus, I wasn’t thrilled with the black distribution as I wanted it more uniform.


Back to the drawing board .. so to speak


And finally, the completed design. Finished quilt size is 58″x82″, a very nice lap size.


I went to the printers yesterday and had them print me out one copy in colour and several in black and white. Now I need to cut it up and plan the various lessons.

I know you’re going to ask … when will the quilt-along start? Best I can tell you right now is SOON. I want to get the lessons planned out first, figure out the math, and make sure everything will fit together as designed. I’m hoping to have the planning done within the next week, then I can let you know the fabric requirements and we’ll get started a couple of weeks later.

The quilt-along will be free for all to participate in. However, the lessons/tutorials will only remain on the site for a month after the QAL finishes, then they’ll be turned into a booklet for sale.

You can sign up for my newsletter or follow on Facebook to keep in touch.

What do you think? Are you going to participate in the quilt-along?

44 responses to “Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along: The Final Design”

  1. Sandie Avatar

    It looks wonderful. I love playing in EQ and the more I use it the easier it is to remember how to do things. I don’t use custom layout much though. Too bad you don’t live closer you could come to our EQ WE DO group.
    Yes, I plan to participate in the quilt along. I’ve never done one and thought I should try it.
    Thanks for offering it for free. Great design. Long quilt!

  2. Heather Avatar

    I am loving this quilt and I am looking for a fun new project. Count me in!

  3. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Mich, that looks awesome, you’ve put quite some effort and time in it. You know I always work on lots of projects at the same time and this one will be amongst them too, I’m in. Cuddle for Milo from Anita.

  4. Gene Black Avatar

    I actually like the one that comes out smaller (and you don’t like the black distribution.) Something about it appeals to me more. It is probably that it is a bit Quirky! and I like Quirky.

  5. Liz Avatar

    love the design… of course I will try and do the quilt along…

  6. Rumeysa Avatar

    Michele, I love the design sooo much (although the first one is my favourite.) I will be looking forward to the quilt along impatiently.

  7. Eddie Edwards Avatar
    Eddie Edwards

    gosh, I love them all. Bright colors and black always appeals to me. Count me in too!

  8. Roine Oquist Avatar

    Love them all. I will be following your emails. Also love the colors. Great job. I also struggle with EQ but keep on trying. Sooner or later I’ll get better.

  9. Kai M. Avatar
    Kai M.

    Do I need to have access to EQ (because I don’t)? If I can do it without EQ then plz count me in. This will be my first QAL and I’m excited about it!

  10. Lynn Avatar

    Love all the designs Michele!!! Awesome!

  11. Rita J. McCart Avatar

    Looks very beautiful, does it have to be completed in these colors for the quilt along? 🙂

  12. gail Avatar

    I love your design and may give this a try. Thanks for all your hard work. I don’t even know what EQ is, though I have made several quilts.

  13. Carol Hyatt Avatar
    Carol Hyatt

    I love, love, love this quilt. I am anxious to get started. The color distribution is beautiful and the variation of blocks are exactly what I love to do. Go samplers!

  14. Donna Avatar

    I think it is wonderful and that I need to take a look at my stash. Perhaps I need some chevron fabric. Right now, Marshall Dry Goods have Chevrons at a good price.

  15. Heather Avatar

    Great job. Looks like you’ve covered all the basics and then moved on a bit from there. Should be doable by most. I’ve used the custom set a few times, but have just upgraded to EQ7 so have to relearn.

  16. Gale Avatar

    Looking good, I hope to participate. Love the black background.

  17. Rhonda Marshall Avatar
    Rhonda Marshall

    Look forward to taking part in this quilt along, well done and thank you.

  18. Janet Best Avatar
    Janet Best

    Like it very much!

  19. Barb in BC Avatar
    Barb in BC

    Just what I was looking for! I want to make a long lap quilt for my oldest nephew’s 25th birthday (he’s really tall) – hopefully I can get this one done on time! Thank you so much for your wonderful website, and for all the work you do for us!

  20. Sandy Lynch Avatar
    Sandy Lynch

    Love the design and the colors. Now to look for some turquoise and orange and black. I have EQ, but never seem to use it. They do have some great lessons going on — 1 a month right now. Just started in May. I always print them out but —-
    I will definitely quilt along with this one.

  21. Carol Avatar

    This is great! Looking forward to it!

  22. Beth Burnett Avatar
    Beth Burnett

    I am looking forward to working on this quilt. Thank you for all your hard work.

  23. Lorna Avatar

    This will be my first QAL, looking forward to a new thing,

  24. Kathy Avatar

    I love it! I’ve been wanting to do an entire quilt in batiks and this might be the one!

  25. Linda P Avatar
    Linda P

    Looks awesome, but I kept going back and looking at the others, they are all great! I even like the colors, which aren’t somethng I would have selected. Great job!!

  26. Elaine Avatar

    I have never done a quilt along and don’t know exactly what I am counting myself in for-but I love the finished design and want to make it so, yes, I will do a quilt along-whatever it may be:)

  27. Joyce Avatar

    This is the first quilt along that has inspired me. I probably won’t keep up, but will print out instructions and catch up as I can. Choosing fabric is going to be interesting. What a great design.

  28. Raewyn Avatar

    I like the design and the colours I would be interested in doing this quilt absolutely!

  29. Cheryle P Avatar
    Cheryle P

    I would love to participate, love the colours. It was very interesting to watch the metamorphosis.

  30. catherine Avatar

    Love this ! Loved the previous QAL, will love this one too. Been looking for a dark pattern with bright colors!

  31. Cindy Jackson Avatar
    Cindy Jackson

    This looks wonderful. Really want to participate in this quilt along.

  32. CeLynn Avatar

    Love how this pops with all the bright color against the black! What line are you using for this? Not sure if I can participate,super busy at the moment,but will squeeze it in if possible!

  33. Jlmquilter Avatar

    Like the bright look and will probably use a package of batiks that have not been used! Blocks look easy to do and I can’t wait to start, like I NEED another project! Thanks for you hard work…

  34. Carol Avatar

    I love the designs and the colors you have used. I want to join in the fun. Just hope I can keep up with you.

  35. Jan Avatar

    Love the design. I hope to join in the fun.

  36. Judy Avatar

    I struggle with EQ as well and for that reason, I’m still trying to work with version 5. Couldn’t justify more upgrades!

  37. SewGramySew Avatar

    I would love to make this quilt, the blocks look easy. I love the not tooooo hard blocks. Any way you lay it, it is nice.

  38. Andrea Avatar

    I love design 1 and 4. This is a great quilt. Can’t wait until it starts.

  39. Judy1522 Avatar

    I love your design and yes I am hoping to participate. It looks like a very fun quilt to make.

  40. Julie @ The Crafty Quilter Avatar

    This looks really lovely and I love the emphasis on precision! I teach beginning quilting and I will definitely be encouraging my students to follow along.

  41. Philomena Gaslard Avatar
    Philomena Gaslard

    Awesome, I love the colors.

  42. pam Avatar

    Count me in Thanks for the quilt along 🙂

  43. Billie Avatar

    Definitely interested, love the quilt.

  44. Penny Avatar

    The quilt that you have designed is gorgeous! I am excited about the prospect of being able to work on this quilt & fine tune my points:) Can hardly wait to begin! Thanks for the opportunity!!

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