Hello quilting friends …
I hope that your Summer has been fabulous so far. I have been on a Stay-Cation for the past several weeks. While, it’s not truly a real vacation, I have been spending a lot of time outside, stitching, and really just enjoying the Summer. I’ll share my Summertime project with you all later this week.
For now, let’s get caught up on the blocks for my Aiming for Accuracy II quilt-along. You can see my earlier blocks here.
Here is Block #23, from Lesson 8. For this lesson, participants tackled quarter-square triangle units.

The focus for Lesson 9 was on triangle-in-a-triangle (TIAT) units. Lesson 9 includes two blocks 15 and 27:

Did you know? You can JOIN the quilt-along at any time. Lesson 10 comes out Tuesday, July 21st. Join here!
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