Earlier this month, I released the latest Aiming for Accuracy II quilt-along lesson. Lesson 16, is the ONE when participants put together their centre quilt top. For me, as their teacher, it’s the most exciting lesson of all! Next, they’ll be adding the three borders that finish the A4AII quilt.

While, I will share some photos in the near future on this blog, of my own quilt-along progress, today, is all about my quilt-along participants. I am thrilled to share their photos below. I’ll do a second post of participants’ blocks in the near future too.

Donna Bubar Lockhart
Donna Bubar Lockhart
Elsie FitzPatrick
Elsie FitzPatrick
Evelyn Hollinger
Evelyn Hollinger
Gordeen Darbee Sherwood
Gordeen Darbee Sherwood
Gwenne Beck Pottier
Gwenne Beck Pottier
Janet Zucchero Smith
Janet Zucchero Smith
Claudia Sands Mielke
Claudia Sands Mielke
Jeanne Girard Mather
Jeanne Girard Mather
Judy Aguilar Quilt 1
Judy Aguilar Quilt 1
Judy Aguilar Quilt 2
Judy Aguilar Quilt 2
Linda Hnatt Chin
Linda Hnatt Chin
Marion Destounis
Marion Destounis
Patti Eder
Patti Eder
Paula Woods
Paula Woods
Yaffa Yassaf
Yaffa Yassaf
Amy Stuck
Amy Stuck
Angie Miller
Angie Miller
Ann Thompson Parfrey
Ann Thompson Parfrey
Becky Beall
Becky Beall
Angela Duhon
Angela Duhon

Do you see WHY I’m so proud of my students? Each and every quilt is absolutely unique and gorgeous. Everyone should be very pleased with their results.

While the quilt-along wraps up this month, you can still join the quilt-along and work at your own pace, sharing your progress in our Facebook Group.

At the beginning of December, my A4AII pattern price will increase. Save now, and join the quilt-along. You will also get the final, published pattern, when it’s available December 7th.

Purchase the Quilt-Along

3 responses to “A4AII: Participants’ Quilt Tops”

  1. Linda Collum Avatar
    Linda Collum

    Thank you for posting all of these quilt tops. It is so interesting to see the same blocks in so many different colorways.

  2. Debra Armatis Busch Avatar
    Debra Armatis Busch

    Each and everyone is absolutely beautiful……….all the same, yet so very different! Great job, be proud!

  3. Penny Hopper Avatar
    Penny Hopper

    So many different sorts of pretty! Congratulations to each of you.

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