A Mess No More

I finished cleaning the very messy sewing area on Saturday afternoon and took a few pictures as proof before I messed it up again. 🙂


I even have some extra space left on my shelves for more fabric that needs a good home.


As you can see, my helpers were very helpful.

Daniel and Slade sleeping

And, I got to start on a paper-piecing project.


I had a great long weekend, how was yours?

9 responses to “A Mess No More”

  1. Angela Campbell Avatar
    Angela Campbell

    Looks great. now will you come and help me I have three rooms to organise!!!!

  2. Susan Avatar

    You have a very nice room, mine is much smaller shouldn’t take you no time to organize as nice as your! LOL

  3. Denise :) Avatar

    Wow! I saw your before shot — you did some great work! There’s something very satisfying about putting a working room back in order, isn’t there? I find it’s also *much* easier to work in an organized room! It looks terrific. I worked on cleaning up some old projects and getting them in the ‘done’ pile! That was very satisfying too! 🙂
    .-= Denise :)’s latest post: LOVING IT! =-.

  4. Mom Avatar

    Very proud of you Honey! Looks wonderful, we will need another shot around Dec. 15th!

  5. Victoria M. Avatar

    A neat, cleaned up sewing room is so inspiring, don’t you think? Yours looks great !
    .-= Victoria M.’s latest post: Sewing room and more wips =-.

  6. Wanda Avatar

    The before picture looks like mine right now. Isn’t it great to have room to work? It would be nice to have a workroom and a storage room next to each other.
    .-= Wanda’s latest post: =-.

  7. Dena Avatar

    Nice job cleaning up your creative space. I have to force myself to clean up after myself each time I’m in my sewing studio. Otherwise, I’ll never get anything done. LOL
    .-= Dena’s latest post: Welcome to my kitchen today =-.

  8. Joy V Avatar

    Aha – I see you have a sewing machine!! Couldn’t see it before and the cats still have somewhere to sleep. Well done. I will definitely have to do mine now – but we don’t have a long weekend in Oz until the new year.
    .-= Joy V’s latest post: Postcard for Heloisa =-.

  9. heckety Avatar

    Ok, I agree, that does look easier to work in. Should I emulate you I wonder?….

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