68 Blocks Have Arrived


Just about every mail day for the past six weeks has brought me at least one, often several, colourful quilt blocks from my Aiming for Accuracy II quilt-along participants.

These blocks will be used for the back of my A4AII quilt. You can see the first 29 blocks to arrive here.

Here are the latest blocks to arrive:

quilt-along participant blocks

quilt-along participant blocks

quilt-along participant blocks

quilt-along participant blocks

I love each and everyone of them. I haven’t decided yet how I’ll lay them out for the back. Do I sash them, or stitch them together in small groups with wide borders in between the groupings? Still thinking about it.

68 quilt-along participant blocks

While it’s too late to send me a block now, you can join the quilt-along FUN at any time. Purchase the quilt-along here.

While I know it is tempting to just start at the current lesson, I strongly recommend that you progress through this quilt-along by starting at Lesson 1, as each lesson builds upon skills learned previously.

Happy quilting,

2 responses to “68 Blocks Have Arrived”

  1. Ruth Sunday Avatar
    Ruth Sunday

    The blocks for the back look fabulous…. Be adventurous, put them in groups to make larger blocks. The color combinations people in the group are using for the A4AII are, for the most part, fabulous.

    So if you grouped the blocks by color range, it would be interesting. For some of those who have indicated a lack of certainty about their color choices, it may also serve as a support for their decisions.

  2. Judy Davenport Avatar
    Judy Davenport

    Looks like your backing will be great. So many beautiful blocks. I was glad to see mine in one of the pictures. It’s good to know it arrived in time.

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