Today is my 6-month blog anniversary. It’s been a lot of fun and I really enjoy working on this blog. I love reading other blogs, so gathering my huge list of Quilting Bloggers has been amazing. The massive amount of free projects and wonderful tutorials available for quilters on the Internet should keep me posting for years… hehe.
What’s next? I have lots of plans, first up will be organing the Quilting Bloggers list into a format that’s more user-friendly than a massive list sorted alphabetically. I hope to have this ready by the end of the month, so stay tuned. Are you a quilting blogger that I don’t have listed yet? Drop me an email (, and I’ll be sure to get you added. Next up, well, you’ll just have to wait and see, but I think it’s super exciting and I hope all of you will too.
In the meantime, please continue to leave comments, send me links to your favourite tutorials or free projects, and even pictures of your finished quilts. I would be thrilled to post them.
To help celebrate my 6-month anniversary, I’m having a give-away. It’s simple to enter, post a comment below and answer two simple questions (1) What’s your favourite part of quilting; and, (2) Where are you located? I’ll pick one random winner on May 15th to receive 6 (one for each month) pre-washed fat quarters taken from my stash and some other goodies.
Thanks for the adventure so far and Happy Quilting,
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