Today is my 6-month blog anniversary. It’s been a lot of fun and I really enjoy working on this blog. I love reading other blogs, so gathering my huge list of Quilting Bloggers has been amazing. The massive amount of free projects and wonderful tutorials available for quilters on the Internet should keep me posting for years… hehe.

What’s next? I have lots of plans, first up will be organing the Quilting Bloggers list into a format that’s more user-friendly than a massive list sorted alphabetically. I hope to have this ready by the end of the month, so stay tuned. Are you a quilting blogger that I don’t have listed yet? Drop me an email (, and I’ll be sure to get you added. Next up, well, you’ll just have to wait and see, but I think it’s super exciting and I hope all of you will too.

In the meantime, please continue to leave comments, send me links to your favourite tutorials or free projects, and even pictures of your finished quilts. I would be thrilled to post them.

To help celebrate my 6-month anniversary, I’m having a give-away. It’s simple to enter, post a comment below and answer two simple questions (1) What’s your favourite part of quilting; and, (2) Where are you located? I’ll pick one random winner on May 15th to receive 6 (one for each month) pre-washed fat quarters taken from my stash and some other goodies.

Thanks for the adventure so far and Happy Quilting,

26 responses to “6-Month Anniversary Celebration”

  1. Betty Jamison Avatar
    Betty Jamison

    I am located in the rural town of Owensville, Mo. My favorite part of quilting is buying the fabric and trying to match some new fabric to my fabric stash.

  2. Linda Avatar

    Hi Michele, I’m in Shawnee, OK. My favorite part of quilting is the piecing, watching it all come together.

  3. Regina Avatar

    Michelle, I recently found you so I am not on your great list…YET! 😉

    I am in rural Churchville, NY (a one traffic light town) – and my favorite part of quilting is the giving! I love the look on the recipient’s face when they unfold the quilt for the first time and wrap it around them. It is like giving a big hug that will keep on hugging!!

  4. Amelia Avatar

    Probably the hand quilting part…I am not that good as sometimes my stitches are not real small…but there is love sewn in each and every stitch. To me that is the most important part.

    I live in the country – close to Shawnee and Tecumseh, Oklahoma

  5. Ailsa Avatar

    I enjou piecing blocks together.

    I am located in Northwich, Cheshire, UK

  6. Loulee Avatar

    Hi there, I’ve only just found you so I have 6 months of catching up to do!

  7. Sue Cahill Avatar
    Sue Cahill

    Congrats on 6 months!
    I live in Niagara Falls, NY.
    I love everything about quilting (except basting) but I guess my favorite part is when the quilt is done and I give it to whoever I made it for.

  8. Vicky Avatar

    My favorite part of quilting is beginning to piece or applique the quilt. After choosing the fabric and cutting it out all or prepping the applique, the anticipation has built to a nice level. I love that beginning. Oh, I’m in Upland, CA.

  9. Di Avatar

    My favorite part of quilting is piecing (and drooling over fabric!) and I live in Dearborn Hgts. Michigan.

  10. Linda Avatar

    Hey, I love your blog and visit it daily….

    My favorite part of quilting is piecing the blocks together. It’s like a puzzle putting all the pieces together and watching how they fit together! I love it. I am from Rockwall, Tx, a suburb of Dallas, Tx. Congratulations on the 6 month anniversary. I can’t wait to see how you are going to change it. Quilty hugs, Linda

  11. Christine Avatar

    Hi. This is my first visit to your blog. Congratulaions on your 6 month anniversary. I am in a small town called Penguin in Tasmania, Australia. I started blogging in December 2007. I really like making stichery blocks.

  12. Angela Avatar

    I just found your site and it’s such fun! AND I just realized my little blog is listed in your sidebar. Cool!

    My favorite part of quilting? Planning. Playing with the colors and designs. Sometimes this part is done before I cut, but, well, I usually end up doing a lot of this on the fly :0).

    Location? Cornfield county in Northern Illinois, USA.

  13. Candace Avatar

    This is my first visit to your blog. I am a new blogger, just 1 month. I live in Florida, USA, and I guess my favorite part of quilting must be the dreaming and planning, since that’s what I do the most of.

  14. Kari Follett Avatar
    Kari Follett

    I live in NY and I love the feeling of snuggling under a new quilt!

  15. Beth Avatar

    My favorite part of quiliting is seeing the finished product!! Hopefully it looks the way I had envisioned 🙂 I’m in Phoenix,AZ

  16. Nicole Avatar

    Happy anniversary!

    I love the planning and piecing best, and I’m from Enderby, BC.

  17. Amy (Lilme2_99) Avatar

    I am from NW Wisconsin. To answer my “favorite” thing about quilting…GOLLY! That’s tough. I enjoy ALL stages, but the quilting stage is my still my weakest part. I love piecing and seeing the quilt top come together.

  18. Amanda Ryan Avatar
    Amanda Ryan

    Hello Michelle, I feel guilty plugging into your blog for the first time when you’re doing a give-away, but I’ve only just found you. What a terrific blog, you must spend ages on it. I’ve been blogging for a couple of months now and really enjoy posting and reading about other people’s lives. I’m from Surrey, in the UK and particularly like making small quilts that I can hand quilt, or embroider and embellish.

  19. Carly Avatar

    The best part about quilting is receiving them from my sis ; )

  20. Esther Avatar

    I’m from Philly. The best part about quilting is creating great combinations of colors and prints!

  21. Barbara Avatar

    Hope I’m not too late to enter……..
    I like the piecing and hand quilting. I wish I had more time for both.
    I live in Ft Lauderdale Fl where is is hot, hot, hot.

  22. Mishka Avatar

    We have a winner, Number 17, Amy from Wisconsin.

    But don’t let that stop you from posting a comment anyway.


  23. Lynn McCandless Avatar
    Lynn McCandless

    I have been quilting almost 10 years and just retired so plan to do this all day [lol]. I enjoy all of the phases of quilting. I just purchased a Voyager 17 quilting machine and hope to finish more quilts in the time that I have.

  24. Brenda Avatar

    I have been quilting for about 20 years now and don’t spend near enough time making them as I do looking at everyone else’s, via internet or magazines or books and LOVE going to “Quilt Shows”! I live in Missouri.

  25. Carol Avatar

    Michele your site just keeps getting better and better. Thank you (from all of us, I am sure) for putting so much of your time into this. As you know, I am a big fan of yours.

  26. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Carol,

    Thank you very much for your kind words about my site. It’s always nice to hear my efforts are appreciated.

    Happy quilting!


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