4 Patches 4 Hope


Can you help? – Make some 4 Patches 4 Hope this weekend and send them to Regina.

From Regina’s web site:

4Patches4Hope began as a desire to use my passion for quilting and the power of social media and word of mouth to create comfort quilts for those undergoing cancer treatments and also raise money for cancer research. It was to begin on my mother’s birthday – today – October 4, 2011 and be a birthday gift to her. Unfortunately Mom’s cancer had a different timetable, and on July 12, 2011 her battle with this disease ended. I decided to forge forward in her memory.

Make light-dark 4 patch block(s) using 2 1/2″ squares (assembled blocks should be 4 1/2″ square). Use any colors you like for your “dark” but please try to use white or ivory for your “light”.

The goal is 4,000 blocks and $4,000 by February 28, 2012. Received blocks will be assembled into “comfort quilts” and donated to the Anderson Medical Center in Anderson, SC and the Pluta Cancer Center in Rochester, NY. Also each block donated will enter your name into a drawing for “participation prizes”.

Visit the 4Patches4Hope web site or on Facebook for all the details.

Here are the ten 4-patch sets I sent last Fall:


Hopefully, I can find some time to make up a few more sets and send them off before the deadline.

One response to “4 Patches 4 Hope”

  1. QuilttemplatesM Avatar

    Went to the 4patches4hope website and read about the project. Bev and I will try to find the time in the next few days to make up a few sets and send them off.

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