Month: August 2010

  • 1/4″ Hexagons

    Peggy sent me these more detailed photos of her mini quilt to share. You can click on each photo to view a larger version. The title of Peggy’s quilt is Let Freedom Ring!. It finishes at 7.875″ x 7.125″. Here’s the story she submitted: About 2 wks before 9-11 I took a mini class with…

  • Quick stats: Total submissions: 30 Total countries: 5 Total provinces: 3 Total states: 14 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. “Will The Circle Be Unbroken”By: Jennifer Richards, Australia This is a Double Wedding Ring quilt that I made using foundation piecing. The background is deep rich purple, the rings range…

  • Not much stitching going on here this week, but I did manage to finish six applique posy needle cases. One I will mail to my swap partner later today and a couple others to friends.

  • Flower Quilts

    Quick stats: Total submissions: 35 Total countries: 9 Total provinces: 1 Total states: 17 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. A Father’s Relationship With His DaughterBy: shout4joy, Pennsylvania, USA This was in response to American Gothic (the painting). I started thinking about fathers and daughters and what the father’s role…

  • Please join me in welcoming guest blogger AnneMarie as she shares with us her vision for her new blog: Gen X Quilters (& Y too!). Hello there! My name is AnneMarie and I am the hard-at-work quilter behind the new blog Gen X Quilters (& Y too!). I’d like to thank Michele for giving me…

  • I’ve made changes to the advertising rates for the Quilt Shop Locator to better reflect the current economic times. I understand how difficult it is for a quilt shop or online quilting retailer to attract new customers. It’s a tough market out there! Advertising in the Locator is very inexpensive. There’s no long-term commitment. You…

  • It’s Share-It Tuesday! Not much stitching time here the past week. I have been working on six applique posy needle cases. One will go to my swap partner next week and a couple others to friends. I’ll keep a couple here for emergency quilting gifts. Fabric (except the felt) is my own hand dyed.

  • Quick stats: Total submissions: 32 Total countries: 10 Total provinces: 1 Total states: 15 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. Amanda RyanBy: Amanda Ryan, United Kingdom This was worked over a year. The applique are stitched with blanket stitch, the embroidered details with back stitch. The piecing is by machine…

  • Please join me in welcoming Ellen Anne Eddy as she guest blogs here at the Quilting Gallery. She shares with us a thought-provoking interpretation of art, beauty, interpretation and ourselves. There’s a world of debate that periodically swirls around the art world. We’re always trying to define what is or isn’t art. Everything before the…

  • Please join me in welcoming Sherry A. Byrd as today’s guest blogger. She shares with us her family’s extensive quilting history spanning six generations. Thanks Sherry for being a guest! My name is Sherry A. Byrd. As a child I was introduced to quilt making via my maternal grandmother, who came from a long lineage…