Month: April 2010

  • Quick stats: Total submissions: 12 Total countries: 3 Total provinces: 0 Total states: 10 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. A Chicken in the BarnyardBy: KathyQuilter, Arizona, USA I designed this quilt around the big rooster block. Someone gave me an apron with that printed on it.. Well, I didn’t…

  • By: Wayne Kollinger My wife tells me that it takes an elephant two years to give birth and that it takes me longer. I may have been slow, but I got there. I gave birth to a book. It’s called Designing Quilts is Easy! and it’s available from C&T Publishing. The book I ended up…

  • Quick stats: Total submissions: 8 Total countries: 4 Total provinces: 2 Total states: 3 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. Butterfly RagBy: Kathy, Virginia, USA Butterfly shapes cut from old plaid shirts. No batting was used, just layers of cotton fabric and shirts I bought at the thrift store. Each…

  • The Threadbare Heart is novel is about, among other things, the way that fabric can speak so powerfully about our lives – about the things we love, the things we lose, and the things we may regret never doing. The main character, Lily Gilbert, loses a lifetime of fabric in a Santa Barbara wildfire. When…

  • Here’s my progress so far on Rachel’s Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along. I was caught up at Easter, but now I’m behind the last three blocks blocks. I’m loving how these are coming together. Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 – my fave so far

  • Scrappy Quilts

    Quick stats: Total submissions: 43 Total countries: 7 Total provinces: 6 Total states: 18 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. A Bond Between QuiltersBy: Country Mouse, Ohio, USA A while back I took part in a secret sister swap. One of the things I included in each package was a…

  • I was so excited to learn that Quilting Gallery was chosen as one of the top 55 favourite blogs for quilters in the latest issue of Quilter’s Home magazine. Check us out on pg. 17, middle column. Last month, we were also chosen as the blog pick of the month in the local Ottawa computer…

  • Quick stats: Total submissions: 17 Total countries: 4 Total provinces: 3 Total states: 10 You can click on the photo to view a larger version. Bouncing Baby BoyBy: Amy, California, USA This is a combination of reproduction and actual vintage fabrics. It was my first time at circles and my first hand-quilted project. The quilting…

  • This week’s Shout Out Thursday blogger is The Quilt Rat. She’s a fabulous quilter and doodler and always has inspiring projects she’s working on. She shares her trials and errors and I’ve learned a lot just by reading her blog the past several months. We had fabulous weather in Ontario over the Easter weekend. Check…

  • Just like any other quilter, it started someplace, somewhere and somehow. I started sewing when I was in high school and my first “real job” was working in a fabric store. As time went on, I worked for a drapery company and then did tailoring for a local men’s wear shop. After a few years,…