Month: July 2009

  • Last year, I ran a contest here on the Quilting Gallery site, Charms for Charity. We raised 1,149 charms. Last January a couple friends and I started a charity sewing group and invited others to join us. We meet once a month. Several of the ladies in the group have never sewn before, never mind…

  • Imagine … 80,000 glorious blooms 16 gigantic gardens 16 super-sized murals 32 juried designs 7 welcoming communities If you’re near Elkhart County in Northern Indiana this summer or early fall, you must take part in the Quilt Gardens Tour. I had hoped to go see this in person, but doesn’t look like I’ll make it…

  • Since its establishment in 1994, the Massachusetts Quilt Documentation Project (MassQuilts) has documented over 6,000 quilts originating or currently owned in this state. This summer, many historically significant or esthetically appealing quilts documented by MassQuilts will be on display at the New England Quilt Museum in an exhibit entitled, Massachusetts Quilts: Our Common Wealth. The…

  • Guest blogger, Margaret Bucklew An epiphany happened to me about twenty years ago. There was a void in my life and I didn’t even know it was happening.

  • Happy 142nd Birthday Canada!