Month: May 2009

  • The Women’s Historical Fiction Challenge E-Book is complete and available for download.

  • I wonder, Do you know I am outside of the shop? Taunting and teasing until I must stop.

  • I returned home to Canada late last night. An uneventful drive home from Lancaster. I stopped at another quilt shop on the way home, and the GPS took me through winding roads and mountains to get me to the highway. It was gorgeous even though I was getting a little frustrated wanting to reach the…

  • Pittsburgh is absolutely gorgeous! If you ever get a chance to drive here, I highly recommend it (probably not in the winter though). There are rivers, huge hills (are they mountains??), a tunnel and gorgeous bridges everywhere. It has been very fun filled days of Spring Market so far. Today is the second day of…

  • Thanks to my Aunt Judy for these funnies. Have a wonderful weekend!