Month: April 2009

  • Linda M. Poole teaches us how she puts together one of her a quilt class kits. I had never realized, nor appreciated, how much work goes into make a kit. So much planning and careful attention to detail. Thanks Linda for showing us your process. P.S. You can order the kit by contacting Linda directly.

  • BOB = Beginner’s Only Block (swap) BOM = Block of the Month DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine DWR = Double Wedding Ring FART = Fabric Aquisition Road Trip FIU = Finish It Up FQ = Fat Quarter HST = Half-Square Triangle HSY = Haven’t Started Yet LAQ= Long Arm Quilter LQS = Local Quilt Shop…

  • Judy’s just posted her latest FREE stash busting project. She’ll post the next steps every few days. Isn’t it gorgeous! I love it. The idea is to use up stash, so you can make room for more pretty fabrics. Be sure to check out the no waste flying geese tutorial [PDF file]. I haven’t tried…

  • As you can see, lots of changes around here. There are still a few areas to clean up, and more changes to come next week for the Quilt Shop Locator.

  • Check out the gorgeous hats I made for Judy and I to wear at Market. All they need is a little bit of ribbon added so they can be tied under our chin. I’m sure we’ll be a great hit. Ok seriously, these are candy dishes, made from another of Geta Grama’s fabulous tutorials, Quilted…

  • Happy Easter

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday spent with family and loved ones… and lots of chocolate!

  • There are days/weeks when time just seems to move way too quickly. I’ve been working on preparations for attending Spring Market next month and a new version of this web site, which I think you’re going to *love*. It’s cleaner, easier to navigate and COLOURFUL! I had hoped to get it ready for this weekend,…

  • Katy Allgeyer from Feng Shui By Fishgirl created this very unique necktie quilt using her boyfriend’s unused neckties. What a great idea to repurpose the neckties into something unique and colourful.