Month: March 2009

  • The bunny is coming… Retro Mama created this great Easter Egg tutorial. These Easter eggs are fat-free, zero calories, and pretty as can be. Have fun making these cuties!

  • Puppy Bouquets

    My mom just sent these photos to me in an email … aren’t they just the cutest. I want one!

  • What a truly wonderful story this is, The centenarian quilter. Emily Harrell has been quilting since she was 8, and she’s now 100. I’m sure we could all learn a few tricks from her. Found via Twitter by @konabayfabrics.

  • Quilting is a billion-dollar industry where creativity and skill entwine. Seth Doane reports on the booming art form and talks with quilting celebrity, Ricky Tims. Found at the latest member of the Quilting Bloggers directory, Artisan At Heart – Quilting is My Passion!.

  • Here’s a great video from Eleanor Burns, Quilt in a Day on designing a sewing studio. Topics covered include: Proper height of sewing, cutting and ironing tables. Learn how to make a design wall. Transform a farm table into a flat sewing table. Tips on posture and proper ergonomics. Cutting tools.

  • Miri has created this adorable Elephant Quilt Block. How cute is this? Perfect for a kid’s quilt. The block finishes at 10″ Download the PDF pattern.

  • Reeze Hanson has created this gorgeous free Flower BOM project, Midnight Posies. This pattern is a great beginner project and is a wonderful “first quilt” for those who want a pretty throw quilt with simple piecing. The fusible machine-applique border is super simple and is a great project for learning a few new techniques. The…

  • By: Kim Lapacek I am going to try to break down for everyone the steps I took in making my woven wonder quilt. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures during the process and I have no near plans to recreate this amazing quilt. This has also been an ongoing project for the past four years…

  • Shawn Bailey from Bailey’s Quilting HeadQuarters made this excellent video on how to make a scrappy Wonky Log Cabin quilt block. She makes it look so easy, and lots of fun too. I’ve never really been inspired to do a log cabin quilt before, but I quite like this method, and want to give it…

  • As a fundraiser for The Quilters Hall of Fame July 2009 induction ceremonies of Merikay Waldvogel, Kim Wulfert from Women On Quilts is sponsoring an invitation to women to write a creative story about growing up as a female, between 1902 and 1942 in the US. In 750-1000 words, your story will have as the…