Month: June 2008

  • Seriously, dad, close the browser window and walk away from the computer … now! For the rest of you, look what the mailman brought!! (Can you see me jumping up and down!) A couple of weeks ago, in Kaye Wood’s Newsletter was a great pattern featuring some beautiful fabric of various tools. My dad is…

  • Emma, a Quilting Blogger from Australia, has created this great picture tutorial on how she invisibly hand-stiches binding to the back of a quilt. This is very useful for those of us that have never hand-sewn a binding before… one day I’ll have to give it a try.

  • After reading Alice’s comment, I remembered that I have a stack of Quilting Gallery business cards that I would like to get rid of, so I can order some new ones next month. If anyone would like some cards to distribute at quilt guild meetings or other such events, I’d be more than happy to…

  • I think this quilt pattern has been secretly calling out to me to make it. Several months ago, my mom was given a huge stash of fabric and quilt books & magazines from a friend of a friend who was downsizing. My mom doesn’t sew, she knits and paints, but sewing is not her forte.…

  • For all the tea lovers out there, myself included, here’s a great Teacup Mini Quilt pattern that a fellow Quilting Blogger created. I’ve always wanted to start my own tea cup collection, this quilt would be a lot less expensive and not nearly as fragile!

  • We Did It… We Reached a Thousand! Have you seen how many Quilting Bloggers there are now in the directory? As of this writing, 848, which means we need only 152 more to reach the end of June goal of a thousand. I have been overwhelmed with the many kind words that have been sent…

  • From thejaxcollection are two great videos explaining how to do Traditional English Hexagon Patchwork created by Jackie Wills. There are other videos by thejaxcollection worth checking out, including Part 3 that shows how to remove the paper backings from the hexagons.

  • From TLC Stitches, here’s a great tutorial showing a unique way to create those wonderful Nine Patch blocks. I’m sure this will be faster than the traditional method and more accurate too. This might even inspire me to use Nine Patches in my Doll Quilt Swap.

  • Here’s a charming and unique tutorial for a Suitcase Pincushion written in German and English. The great photos are very useful.

  • Further to my post last week on Sewing Ergonomics, Marguerita sent me this post she wrote on making your own Custom Sewing Desk – Cheap. While not the prettiest to look at, this idea definitely has potential for me. I am loving free-motion quilting, but finding the stress on my shoulders and upper back prevents…