1/4″ Hexagons

Peggy sent me these more detailed photos of her mini quilt to share. You can click on each photo to view a larger version.

The title of Peggy’s quilt is Let Freedom Ring!. It finishes at 7.875″ x 7.125″. Here’s the story she submitted:

About 2 wks before 9-11 I took a mini class with Carol Henry. I made 5 tiny grandmother’s flower garden blocks of various colors. 3 of them were red, white and blue. Over 2 yrs later I was inspired to finish the quilt as my dedication to 9-11. Hexagons are 1/4″ wide & fussy cut. Total time 300+ hr.

To see the scale, Peggy included a quarter and a dime in the photos.

I can safely say I will never have the patience to accomplish such a quilt. Thanks Peggy for sharing these detailed photos.

3 responses to “1/4″ Hexagons”

  1. liesbeth wessels Avatar

    Hello Peggy

    Congratulions by winning the contest. greetings from the Netherlands, liesbeth wessels

  2. Peggy Mead Avatar
    Peggy Mead

    Thank you Liesbeth. It was an exciting race. You received over 200 votes as well. Congratulations! Greetings from Florida.

  3. mimi'sdarlins Avatar

    I am amazed at the tiny details in this quilt! Well done, and congrats on your win, Peggy! Congrats to all who entered, all did beautiful work 🙂

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