Tag: Nashville 2008

  • Almost 4,000 kilometres and 8 States (New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland) later, I am back home. It’s been a fantastic trip. I can’t wait for the next road trip. This was a lot of fun. Here’s my route: View Larger Map Have a great long weekend (if it is…

  • Hi everyone … Sorry the posts have been sparse of late, but wow did I ever have an amazing time at the AQS Nashville show. I have so much to tell you, and so many pictures to share, that I’ll get to them soon. I’ve now moved from the hotel where the show was at,…

  • … New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kentucky. I’ve stopped about 30 minutes outside of Louisville for the night, and will continue on into Nashville tomorrow. I think I’m about 3 hours out. Now to jump in the pool and grab some dinner. More later, I’m hoping to post later on tonight the first round of…

  • The Nashville AQS show will be in full swing one month from now, and I’ve already made my first purchase. I was reading Pat Sloan’s July Newsletter on the weekend and she had featured this adorable pattern, Chubby Chicks along with her green Nikki fabric, that I just had to have. So I sent her…

  • It’s official, my first visit to an AQS Quilt Show has been booked … Nashville, here I come. I didn’t register for any actual quilting classes, but picked a few lectures and some touristy events. Here’s my list: The Quilter’s Link Tuesday, August 19, 7:00-8:00pm An Evening with Billie Lauder Wednesday, August 20, 7:00-8:30pm General…